The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.
Madrasah Manager is Maulana Tahir Hussain 07828 767780
Mr Abdul Rahim Shaikh – 07872 833865
Please click on link below to register your child for classes. Please complete a form for each child, if you want to register more than one child.
Term Dates and Madrasah Fees
Respected Parents,
Please find details of term dates and fees below.
Term Dates
See calendar for start of madrasah terms dates and scheduled holidays.
We have 2 Terms.
1st Term starts 1st week of September
2nd Term starts 1st week of February
We will attempt to keep to the same calendar as Madrasah Zeenat-ul-Islam. The scheduled dates for holidays are stated in the madrasah calendar, which will be given to your child when attending the madrasah.
NOTE: Dates can vary, students and parents will be informed accordingly if dates change .
Fees are payable at the start of each term for each child.
Term one fees £140 must be payable by 1st Week of September
Term two fees £140 must be payable by 1st Week of February
Total fees for the year are £280. Welcome to pay the total sum at the beginning of the year if they prefer.
*Please note fees are payable in full for each term regardless of absences or leave taken.